
Building materials

Tag: silicone render


How Long Does Silicone Render Last?

Silicone render has gained popularity in recent years as a durable and long-lasting solution for exterior wall finishes. If you’re considering using silicone render for your home, you may be wondering, “How long does silicone render last?” In this article, we will explore the lifespan of silicone render and its benefits, as well as provide[...]
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A Step by Step Guide to Applying Silicone Render

Silicone render is a popular choice for homeowners in the UK who want to enhance the appearance and durability of their external walls. This thin, waterproof, and flexible rendering solution offers numerous benefits, including weather resistance, breathability, easy maintenance, flexibility, and longevity. In this guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of applying[...]
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The Benefits of Silicone Render

If you’re looking to enhance the exterior of your house, you may have come across the term “silicone render.” In this article, we will explore what silicone render is, its benefits, and how it can enhance your home. What is Silicone Render? Silicone render is a type of thin coat render that is applied to[...]
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Blog, News

Silicone Render – What is it?

What is Silicone Render? ATLAS SILICONE RENDER is a thin-coat render for application of finishing coats with decorative spotted texture.For indoor and outdoor use.Recommended as a finishing coat during installation of building insulation with the use of polystyrene, XPS or mineral wool boards.For façades exposed to soiling and difficult operation conditions – perfect for buildings located[...]
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