

£54.90 - incl. VAT

ACRYLIC RENDER is a thin-coat render for application of finishing coats with decorative spotted texture during installation of building insulation.


ACRYLIC RENDER is a thin-coat render for application of finishing coats with decorative spotted texture.
For indoor and outdoor use.
Recommended as a finishing coat during installation of building insulation with the use of polystyrene or XPS boards.
For façades exposed to dirt and difficult operation conditions – works perfectly on commercial, public access buildings (schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.), outhouses.

Most important features of acrylic render

  • low water absorptiveness
  • resistant to soiling
  • very good bonding to substrates
  • easy texture forming
  • improved resistance to mechanical damage

Main properties of acrylic render


    • Thin-coat render based on advanced acrylic resin – up-to-date polymer binder significantly enhances previous limitations of acrylic renders – low water vapour permeability and vulnerability to soiling.


    • Forms dense and very clear spotted texture 1.5 mm thick.


    • Render with aggregate 1.5 mm thick is also recommended for machine application with rendering units.


    • BIO PROTECTION – creates unfavorable conditions for fungi and algae growth due to low water absorption and acid-alkaline reaction.


    • ELASTICITY AND STRENGTH – formula providing improved elasticity and resistance to impacts; render compensates stress resulting from surface hits better, keeps consistent, does not chip off.


    • COLOUR DURABILITY – advanced technology provides colour durability resulting from the use of modern pigments, automatic system of dozing and permanently supervised process of manufacturing – render keeps its initial colour, is more resistant to bleaching and UV radiation.


    • ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY – render recipe was designed in accordance to the sustainable development aspects: maximally reduced amount of volatile organic compounds and use of natural fillers only.


  • RESISTANT TO CRACKING – improved resistance resulting from the presence of dispersed microfibers, which strengthen the render within its entire volume – render is protected against possible cracks caused by tension and alternate surface heating and cooling.


Safety Data Sheet

Technical Data Sheet