
EPS Board Adhesive & Mesh Basecoat – CERESIT ZU

£15.50 - incl. VAT

Ceresit ZU Insulation Mesh and Adhesive is used as a base coat render to fix polystyrene boards to external walls and for making a reinforced layer.

Ceresit ZU Adhesive for EPS boards – 25kg

Ceresit ZU Adhesive for EPS boards and Basecoat for Reinforcing Mesh

ZU Adhesive and Reinforcing mortar for fixing Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) boards and reinforced layer for thermal insulation of buildings by means of light wet method.

Packaging: Bag of 25 kg.
Base: cement and lime mixture with mineral fillers and modifiers
Bulk density: approx. 1.3 kg/dm3
Mixing ratio: 4.5÷5.0 l of water per 25 k
Temperature of application: from +5 °C to +25 °C
Pot life: up to 90 minutes
Assumed consumption: Fixing boards: approx. 5.0 kg/m2 Reinforced layer: approx. 4.0 kg/m2

good adhesion
resistant to weather conditions
possibility for machine application*

Ceresit ZU mortar is designed to apply EPS-boards within Ceresit ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems) with a light-wet method. ZU is part of Ceresit Ceretherm
Popular. ZU mortar is used for applying to the EPS-boards as well as to prepare rainforced layer of newly erected objects and the buildings to be thermo renovated.

1) Fixing EPS-boards
ZU has very good adhesion to sound and carrying substrates, such as wall, plaster and cement substrates free from grease, bitumen, dust and other substances decreasing adhesion. The adhesion to the existing plasters and paint coatings should be checked before starting the application. ”Hollow” plasters should be removed. Any losses and uneven surfaces of the substrate should be filled or covered with cement plaster. Any surface contaminant and other adhesion impairing substances, steam-tight paint coatings and the coats with low adhesion to the substrate should be completely removed, e.g. by means of washing devices operating under pressure. In case
of mycological contamination with fungi, moss and algae, the surface of the façade should be cleaned with steel brushes and, then saturated with a fungicide solution of Ceresit CT 99 in compliance with technical instruction. The old, not plastered walls, strong plasters and paint coats should be dusted, then washed with water jet and left until they go completely dry. Substrates with high water absorption, e.g. walls made of aerated concrete blocks or silicate blocks should be primed with Ceresit CT 17 and left for drying for at least 2 hours.
Before fixing EPS-boards the adhesion of the mortar should be checked by fix polystyrene boards (10×10 cm) to the prepared substrate and tear them of after 4-7 days. Load capacity is suficient when polystyrene boards are teared. While the boards are teared with the mortar, mechanical links should be used.

2) Preparing the reinforced layer
After the ZU set in (after 3 days) boards should be threat with sandpaper and additionally fixed using mechanical links. If the EPS-boards in 2 weeks wasn’t cover with reinforced layer, his quality should be checked. Yellowed and with dusting surface required big grain sandpaper.

ZU should be poured into the measured amount of cool clean water and stirred with the drill by means of a mixer until the homogenous mass is obtained without lumps.
1. Fixing EPS-boards The ready mortar should be applied with a trowel along the board edges forming a strip of 3÷4 cm wide and a few spots with the diameter of approx. 8 cm. Then immediately, the board should be pressed to the wall with a few slight blows of a long float. The properly applied mortar when pressed should cover minimum 40% of its surface. In case of even, smooth substrates the mortar should be applied by means of a toothed long float (teeth 10–12 mm). The boards should be fixed tightly
one at the other in one surface with the preservation of ”brick like manner” of vertical connection.
2. Preparing the reinforced layer Prepared mortar should be applied 2-3 mm layer on EPS-boards using smooth, steel trowel. On fresh layer glass fibre net should be set (10 cm overlaps should be kept). Then the next layer can be applied (thickness 1 mm) and smoothed in order to net wasn’t visible. Fresh stains should be cleaned with water while hardened elements should be mechanically removed only.

During preparing the reinforced layer work on sunny walls is inadvisable. The layer should be protected from rain. Protection of scaffolding is recommended.
Application should be performed in dry conditions with the substrate and ambient temperature from +5°C to +25°C. All the data refer to the temperature of +20°C and relative air humidity of 60%. Faster or slower setting of the mortar may occur in different conditions. The requirements which should be fulfilled by EPS-boards and mechanical anchors and also other details that refer to thermal insulation are described in the Instruction ITB No. 418/2007 and 447/2009. ZU powder mortar shows irritated properties and cement and
lime content causes alkali reaction when mixed with water. Therefore skin and eyes should be protected. In case of contact with eyes, they should be rinsed with water and the general practitioner should be consulted.

Ceresit ZU Adhesive for EPS boards – 25kg

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